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Every Beauty Drop Makeup Money Saving Cosmetic Tools Set of 3. Includes 1 Beauty Spatula, 1 Lip Spatula and 1 Tube Squeezer (containing 4 sizes).
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Every Beauty Drop Makeup Money Saving Cosmetic Tools Set of 3. Includes 1 Beauty Spatula, 1 Lip Spatula and 1 Tube Squeezer (containing 4 sizes).

Product ID: 49937909
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Every Beauty Drop Makeup Money Saving Cosmetic Tools contains 3 essential tools to help you retrieve trapped products in your beauty regime. Out of every beauty product we buy, 25% of it is left inside the container as a we cannot reach it. These tools help you to retrieve the remaining product, saving you money and making the best use out of your beauty products. Contains: 1 x Beauty Spatula, 1 x Lip Gloss Spatula and 1 x Tube Squeezers (4 sizes). The Beauty Spatula is great for foundation bottles, anti-aging creams, serums, any liquid, lotion or cream. It works on any shape size bottle or container. The silicon tip does not absorb like cotton swabs so it can also be used as an applicator. The Lip Gloss Spatula retrieves trapped lip glass and lip stick from tubes and jars. Lip Gloss comes with an applicator to the cap, but the applicator cannot always reach the bottom or the sides of the product you’ve paid for. The silicon tip does not absorb like cotton swabs so it can also be used as an applicator. The Tube Squeezers contain 4 different sizes. Small, medium, large and extra-large. Perfect for products trapped in plastic tubes such as toothpaste, hand creams, CC creams. Snap it on, start with a tube squeezer in the open position. Place it near the end of your tube and line up the locking tab with your fingers. Snap the tube squeezer closed, make sure the closed is not pitching the tube. Slip the clip down your tube. When you have received your product and the tube is empty, push on the thumb to release. All products are reusable and washable. Wash in room temperature soapy water before and after each use. Do not clean in the dishwasher.

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Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago

Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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