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Aqua Culture LED 10 Gallon Fish Tank Hood
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Aqua Culture LED 10 Gallon Fish Tank Hood

Product ID: 459194141
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Instantly brighten up the home of your marine pets with the Aqua Culture LED 10 Gallon Fish Tank Hood. The illumination radiates a natural glow to promote movement for happier and healthier animals. It features cutouts for easy access to make feeding time and routine filter changes quick and simple since it eliminates the need to remove the entire top. The bulb is long-lasting, so you can enjoy it without the need for frequent changes. This hood also has a low-profile design, so it's not top heavy on the tank for enhanced stability. Use it to create a contemporary look in your home or office space. It's an ideal finishing touch for a freshwater or saltwater unit. The bulb uses 15 times less energy than standard models and creates a natural shimmer effect. Illuminate your tank with the Aqua Culture LED 10 Gallon Fish Tank Hood. Aqua Culture LED 10 Gallon Fish Tank Hood: Long-life LED eliminates the need for bulb replacement Ideal for most 10 gal aquariums Creates a natural daylight shimmer Integrated cutouts provide easy access without the need for removing the hood Low-profile hood LED bulbs use 15x less energy than standard light bulbs Radiates a natural glow to illuminate the tank Suitable for both freshwater and saltwater tanks Lightweight design ensures the aquarium stays stable Provides a healthier environment for tropical fish Gives your fish tank a contemporary look in a home or office space

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The customer service exceeded my expectations. Perfect for buying products you can't find elsewhere.

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